Friday, 9 October 2009

The Builders Are In!

It really is happening, the builders have started work and we are making real progress. It is an unusual blend of excitement and fear at the moment. I find it difficult to envisage the final result as everywhere has been knocked about and everything is covered in a fine film of dust.

I still plan to be open on 09 November but there seems to be an awful lot of work to do before then. I have been quite surprised by the number of people involved in the whole process. Even before the building works started I had to deal with architects, surgery designers, equipment suppliers, building control officers, as well as delving into an absolute myriad of regulations. Having completed that lot, it doesn't get any less complex when we get down to actually putting all the plans into effect. It requires an amazing amount of coordination, but it has been made so much easier by having some excellent chaps to work with, so thanks to Adam, John, Steve and Rob.

Brilliant, only 32 days to go and counting!

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