Wednesday 16 December 2009

We Are Open

It has finally happened and we are actually open, yes the doors are open and we are now treating patients. Strangely enough, after such a long lead time, the first day was a relatively quiet affair; I think we were all just glad to finally start caring for real people. Of course, this is just phase one and the upper floors still have the feel of an unfinished building site, but it is a significant start.

As expected the first day did present a few minor technical issues; this is hardly surprising as a modern dental surgery is a pretty high tech environment and that is without all the supporting digital IT equipment, both telephones and computers. This also means that there is quite a lot of information and technology for the new team to grasp, but Kathy and Elaine have made a great start.

It was a long and difficult journey, not helped by the ongoing financial situation, but with tremendous help from my friends and family the dream has become a reality.We have a great team in place and it all feels just right and I can now focus on delivering the highest standards of dental care. Excellent.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

At long last we have a planned opening date - 15 December 2009 and the appointment book is now open. The telephone number (0844 375 6505) has been activated and the email address ( is now live. We are going through the training for the new (well everything is new) dental management software and the first appointment is in the book.

It has taken a while, far, far longer than I could have ever imagined, but the practice is starting to look really good, but goodness me it has been a frustrating few weeks. This is purely because I can physically see the realisation of my dreams and vision, so I am desperately keen to start. One of the sheer joys of working with people like Adam Brian, the builder, and Jenny and Lou from New Spaces is their attention to detail and perfectionists take a bit more time.

There is so much going on at the moment that it is almost impossible to stop my head spinning, but we are nearly there. I have really enjoyed going through all the treatment options we will be offering, from mini implant to Invisalign, all exciting stuff. Only days to go – can’t wait!

Friday 9 October 2009

The Builders Are In!

It really is happening, the builders have started work and we are making real progress. It is an unusual blend of excitement and fear at the moment. I find it difficult to envisage the final result as everywhere has been knocked about and everything is covered in a fine film of dust.

I still plan to be open on 09 November but there seems to be an awful lot of work to do before then. I have been quite surprised by the number of people involved in the whole process. Even before the building works started I had to deal with architects, surgery designers, equipment suppliers, building control officers, as well as delving into an absolute myriad of regulations. Having completed that lot, it doesn't get any less complex when we get down to actually putting all the plans into effect. It requires an amazing amount of coordination, but it has been made so much easier by having some excellent chaps to work with, so thanks to Adam, John, Steve and Rob.

Brilliant, only 32 days to go and counting!

Friday 11 September 2009

Opening Day - 9 Nov 09

At last the most important date for the past year is in the diary - we will be open on Monday 9th November. Absolutely fantastic news and a huge sense of relief, but, quite obviously we are not there yet and there is a tremendous amount of hardwork to be done yet, but we have a start date.
Hopefully I have done enough preparatory work to ensure there are no more surprises; I have certainly had to wait long enough. The light at the end of the tunnel is switched on and burning brightly.

Monday 24 August 2009

Holiday Time

I am delighted to report that we have made a physical start on the refurbishment and have had a busy couple of weekends scraping wallpaper. I say "we" because Elaine, Alice, Guy, Mum and Dad have been absolutely brilliant and particular thanks to Mum and Dad who have taken to the project with real enthusiasm.

I am looking forward to a family week in Cornwall, which culminates in the Lusty Glaze Beach Rugby Tournament for Alice and her Comets team. Guy and I will also be running around, but it is all about some quality time together.

Meanwhile the builders are all primed and will start work next week and we are still on course for opening in October.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Lights Switched On

It has finally happened and I have started on the refurbishment of the building. I have simplified the plan to minimise the disruption and comply with the Building Control Regulations. Even so, the plans to open in September have drifted slightly to October; however, after such a long year of frustration and delays, I can live with a small shift.

So this is it; the lights at the end of the tunnel have been switched on - it is official!

Monday 3 August 2009

Building Blocks

It has been an interesting couple of weeks and some progress has been made. I have submitted my latest plans to the Building Control Officers at Warwick District Council and I have to say they have been very helpful, so I don't anticipate any major problems on that front.

However, getting quotes for the revised plans from builders has proved to be a lot trickier - one builder cannot offer anything until March 2010. This would suggest that things are picking up on a local level, irrespective of the doom and gloom we are hearing on the national news.

September is slowly becoming more and more ambitious but I am going to keep pushing hard - we need those doors open.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Phone Number - 0844 375 6505

It has been an exciting couple of weeks as I am now actually planning to be open in September; as always there are a few hurdles to be overcome, but that is nothing new. I seem to have round this buoy several times over the past few months; however this time funding has been secured and at long last I will be realising my vision.

I have set up our telephone number - 0844 375 6505. I know these numbers have had a bad press recently, so I have asked the provider to put the record straight:

"There is a common misconception that 0844 numbers cost the same to call as 0870 numbers or premium rate numbers. This is not true. Premium rate calls cost between 10p to £1.50 a minute, whilst national call rate numbers (usually known as 0870) cost about 8p a minute to call. 0844 numbers cost 4.2p per minute to call, which is equivalent to the BT standard daytime rate for the first minute of a call. Whilst tariffs do vary widely, for most patients there is little or no difference in the cost of calling their dentist on a low call rate 0844 number. In fact, some patients may find it cheaper because unlike a BT call there is no 3p connection charge. Those patients who pay more because of their telecom provider’s rate package will only find themselves paying on a few pennies extra for the call. We do not make a ‘profit’ out of the 0844 calls - this is written into our contact. The money generated partially funds the new equipment in order to provide a better service for patients."

At the end of the day it is all about providing a better service to our patients. It is going to be a busy summer - fantastic.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Website Launch

You will all be aware that not a lot has happened lately - I am wading through the application process to seek funding through the Government backed Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme. I am confident of success, but time is really dragging and I want to get on and get the practice open.

However, some progress has been made and the new practice website is up and running, please have a look and let me know your thoughts.

I have tried to capture the ethos of the new practice on the website, with a particular emphasis on 'excellence in dentistry'. I enjoy what I do and I am keen to create an environment that everyone else really enjoys, both in and out of the surgery. I have got the plans ready, so I have just got to convince the bankers.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Small Steps

Goodness, I hadn't realised it had been so long since I posted any news; a couple of emails from friends made me realise that I need to keep everything up to date. The main reason for the lack of news has been the lack of progress and it has been so frustrating. Timing is everything and I seem to have got it slightly wrong and despite all the efforts of the Government, the banks are not keen to support a new business.

However, I am taking small steps, making a little bit of progress and pursuing several exciting possibilities. Most importantly the vision remains intact, I know Augusta Dental Centre is an excellent concept, it is a good plan and I am very confident we will succeed.