Monday, 24 January 2011

4 minutes a day

At the start of every year, a lot of resolutions are made and then rapidly broken. The majority of these resolutions will relate to improving the body image, so there is an increase in gym membership (although not attendance past January), adoption of the latest diet and attempts to cut back, or more ambitiously, eliminate smoking and alcohol. However, the simplest thing we can resolve to do and make the world a better place is just smile a bit more. We can all improve on our smile by brushing the teeth twice a day for two minutes each time – just 4 minutes a day.

I would like to think that this is ‘old news’ and everyone knows this, but surveys tell us that the average time spent brushing the teeth is just 40 seconds and only 52% of the population brush their teeth twice a day. I am now a fan of electric toothbrushes as they have a built in timer and you feel really guilty if don’t complete the full 2 minutes. I used to think that electric brushes were a bit of an indulgence but there is now evidence to suggest that everyone will brush their teeth more effectively with an electric brush as opposed to a manual brush. Everyone using the conventional manual brush will improve their brushing by timing their brushing and bringing in an egg timer into the bath room – just 4 minutes a day.

Enquiries about tooth whitening always increase in January and people are always keen to explore all the options. Traditionally the choices have been limited to home whitening with trays or surgery with the stronger whitening gel. Home whitening can be very effective as a gentle gel is applied to the teeth over a prolonged period of time. However, many patients don’t like the impressions, using the trays or the requirement for repeated applications. Surgery whitening uses a stronger gel and the appointments usually last about 90 minutes; however, even though the results can be unpredictable, it is not possible to use the stronger gel for prolonged applications because possible sensitivity problems.

We are now pleased to offer the new Wy10 Get2SmileTM ‘Laser’ Home Whitening Kit. The Get2Smile Kit is designed for patients who prefer to carry out whitening at a time and place best suited to them. This is an alternative to the tray system with a nice twist. It is a complete whitening solution that does not require taking impressions. It can be prescribed by a dentist straight after a consultation. It eliminates the need for impressions and a tray-fitting second appointment, saving dentists’ and patients’ time. It is simple to use and comes with clear instructions and illustrations. The Get2Smile is a lower power and simpler version of a chairside system – surgery whitening at home. A new whiter smile for the New Year.